
Monday, October 12, 2020

Visiting to Place of Historical Interest Paragraph-100% easy!

(a) Have you visited any historical place recently?
(b) Where did you go?
(c) When did you go?
(d) Who went with you?
(e) What important things did you see there?

I have visited a historical place recently. I have visited the Satgambuj Mosque. It is located in Bergerac district. It is a big and beautiful building. The mosque is beautifully decorated. I started journey for the destination at 8 a.m. I went there by bus. I reached there at 2 p.m. My close friend Azad was with me. The mosque is very attractive mostly to the tourists and visitors. It is one of the most magnificent buildings in Bangladesh. There was a big dighi near the mosque. This dighi is called the Ghora Dighi. I visited the Dighi. I knew many things about the social work of Khan Jahan Ali who was the founder of Shatgombuj Mosque. I was really charmed at the architectural beauty of the mosque. I spent four hours there and gathered much knowledge.