
Monday, October 12, 2020

Visiting To A Village Market Paragraph-100% easy!

(a) Had you ever gone to a village market?
(b) When did you go?
(c) Who did you go with?
(d) How did you go?
(e) What things did you see?
(f) What things did you buy?
(g) What things did you attract you most?
(h) When did you come back?

I live in Dhaka. I have not sufficient idea about village market. Last year, I went to my village home. I stayed there for a few days. Then I got an opportunity to visit to a village market. My uncle went with me. We went there by rickshaw. The market sat in an open place. Many people gathered there to buy and sell their daily necessaries. I saw that the market was divided into two parts. They were open shop and permanent shop. Milk, fruits, vegetables, fishes etc. were being sold in open shop. On the other hand, clothes, shoes, rice, oil, dal, flour etc. were being sold in permanent shop. I bought some fruits and fresh vegetables. I also bought some sweetmeats for the younger. People ware bargaining over some goods. As a result, the market was noisy and crowd. This attracted me most. I stayed there about two hours. I came back at 5 p.m.

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