
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Nuclear Family Paragraph-100% easy!

(a) What kind of family do you live in?
(b) Extended or nuclear?
(c) Why is nuclear family getting popularity nowadays?
(d) What are the advantages you find in a nuclear family?
(e) What are the disadvantages of it?
(f) Do you like nuclear family?
(g) If so, why? It not, why?

I live in a nuclear family. Our family consists of four members- my father and mother, my sister and myself. Nuclear family is getting popularity nowadays because there are some advantages of a nuclear family. It is quiet and calm. As there is no disturbance in a nuclear family, student can study attentively. In a word, a nuclear family gets more advantages in case of decision-making, disease and problem etc. The disadvantages of nuclear family is that here a man has to live alone. He has no companion to share his joys and sorrows. He always feels lonely. I do not like nuclear family because here one has no friend or companion to share one's feeling. There is none here to console him in time of danger. There is none to help him either.

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