
Saturday, December 7, 2013

Brain Drain Paragraph-Very easy!

(a) What is brain drain?
(b) Some students go abroad for higher studies; do you call it brain drain?
(c) What do you think about the impact of brain drain on the economy of a country is?
(d) Do you want to go abroad for higher studies?
(e) What do you think about the reason of talented peoples' leaving their country?

The migration of meritorious, skilled and experienced people from one country to another is called brain drain. The talented people leave their country being attracted by higher salaries, better working facilities and better living of the developed countries. We know that some students go abroad for higher studies. If the students go abroad for higher studies and return home with higher degree and utilize their specialized knowledge in serving the nation, we can not call it brain drain. Brain drain has many negative impacts on the economy of a country. Often expert doctors, scientists and engineers go abroad and work there for better salaries and better service facilities. Owing to this brain drain, the home country becomes loser as it is deprived of the services of its better people. However, I want to go abroad for higher studies and come back home with specialized knowledge to serve the motherland. We often can not provide better facilities to our talented person which is the main cause of leaving their own country.

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