
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Rural Life Paragraph-100% easy!

(a) What is rural life?
(b) What are the main features of rural life?
(c) How is it different from urban life?
(d) Do you like rural life?
(e) What measures may be taken to improve the standard of rural life?

Rural life means village life. Village life has many advantages. Rural life is peaceful, beautiful and calm which are the main features of rural life. Village people do not suffer from tension. In the village, the air is free from pollution. We can enjoy melodious tones of different kinds of birds in rural life. This life provides us with fresh fruit, fish, vegetables, water and pure air. One can swim and walk without fear of accidents here. These are not available in urban life and it makes the rural life different from the urban life. Life in a city is artificial. In spite having fewer opportunities of modern communication, advanced education and medicine, I like rural life most. I enjoy the simplicity, tranquility and natural beauty of rural life. Some pragmatic steps may be taken to improve the standard of rural life. Poverty alleviation is one of them. Besides, we have to manage mass education. We also need to improve communication system.

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