
Sunday, October 11, 2020

Mobile Phone/Cell Phone Paragraph-100% easy!

(a) What is a mobile phone?
(b) What are the uses of mobile phone?
(c) What are the demerits of rising mobile phone?
(d) What types of radiation cause damage to our body?
(e) Who are prohibited from using cellular telephone?

Mobile phone is such a cordless phone by which people can communicate to others immediately. It is an important medium of communication. It is one of the amazing inventions of modern science. We can communicate with the people at home and about in the shortest possible time through it. The use of mobile phone is more convenient than telephone. Especially businesspersons, service holders, doctors and other professionals use it. Though it was a sign of aristocracy in the past, now it is found in everyone's hand in our country. Today we cannot do a single bay without it. Before the invention of mobile phone communication and messaging system was very hard. Nevertheless, mobile has now lessened the distance of the world. It has brought the world to our reach. At present, one can use internet in one’s mobile set and communicate with the whole world. In spite of having all these merits, mobile phone has some demerits too. The miscreants can easily commit crimes and maintain their secrecy through mobile phone. Besides, our younger generation is also getting addicted to it day by day. They are often seen talking late night to their girlfriends or boyfriends. As a result, their health and study are hampered seriously. Mobile phone is also injurious to our health. Cosmic radiation caused by the mobile phone damages our body. It harms our brain when we talk through it. Again, the excessive use of mobile often causes fatal diseases like brain tamer, cancer etc. Children and pregnant women are forbidden to use mobile phone. So, we should be conscious in using it.

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