
Saturday, October 24, 2020

Water pollution Paragraph in 230 Words | SSC | HSC

Answer the following questions to write a paragraph on 'Water Pollution’.

(a) What is water pollution? 

(b) Why is water called life?

(c) How is water polluted? 

(d) What are the effects of water pollution?

(e) What measures should we take to prevent water pollution?


Water Pollution

Water pollution refers to the process of making water unsuitable for human consumption as a result of mixing contaminated waste materials in water. Water is called a life-giving liquid because without water there would be no life on earth. Just like the other living organisms, we also need to consume water to survive. We also need water for many other activities such as cleaning, washing, cooking and irrigation. But water is getting polluted day by day in different ways. Men pollute water by throwing waste into it. Farmers use chemicals and that get mixed with water in rivers, canals and ponds. Mills and factories pollute water by throwing poisonous chemicals and waste products into rivers and canals. Water vehicles pollute the water of river by dumping oil, food waste and human waste. Unsanitary latrines and unsafe drains standing on the banks of river and canal are also responsible for water pollution. There are many bad effects of water pollution. Polluted water is very harmful for health. By drinking impure water, many people often suffer from many water borne diseases. Polluted water also destroys fish and plants. Therefore, proper measures should be taken to prevent water pollution. Disposal of human and industrial wastes in pond and river water should be avoided. The use of pesticides in agriculture should be reduced. During floods, people and domestic animals should be careful not to mix their excrement in the water.

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