
Friday, November 6, 2020

A Winter Morning Paragraph in 250 Words | SSC | HSC | Class-6/7/8/9/11/12

Paul Theroux says, "Winter morning is a time of recovery and preparation." Winter morning is a little different and a little more varied than other mornings. Winter morning comes with a blanket of fog. It decorates nature in a different way. The leaves fall off during the winter. The sun is not visible due to dense fog. As far as the eye can see only the foggy dark nature. Gradually, the sun began to shine through the fog. The icy air begins to blow slowly. Dew falls from the trees. When the sun shines on the dewy grass or tin roof, it looks like pearls are glistening. No one wants to leave the house until the sun rises completely. But people have to leave the coating finally to join the work. People light fires in different places. This scene is often seen in villages and towns. When the heat of the sun spreads, the fog disappears. 
Gradually the day grows longer and the busyness begins. Winter morning in the village are truly variegated. Farmers take down the pot of date juice from the date palm. The farmer's wife burns them at home. The sweet smell of date juice spreads all around. Little boys and girls eat molasses and parched rice sitting in the sweet sun. The brides of the village make various pitha-puli in winter. The same joy is every house in the village. Winter morning brings happiness as well as sorrow. In severe winters, poor people in rural and urban areas suffer immensely. Most of them do not have winter clothes. In severe winter, they suffer terribly. Winter mornings do not bring them any good news. Nevertheless, this winter morning is a symbol of the unique natural beauty of Bengal with its combination of faults and virtues.

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বই দুটি তোমার কল্পনার চেয়েও সুন্দর কি না তা কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখলেই আশা করি বুঝতে পারবে! আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপেও তোমরা যোগ দিতে পারো: Collegiate Publications


  1. It was really good!!!!!
    But just 2 page paragraph!

  2. A winter morning is the usual morning of the winter season. Generally, a winter morning is cold, misty and everything outside is covered with dense fog. Sometimes the fog is so dense all around that the sunray can’t pass through it and people can hardly see anything. At night, dewdrops fall on the leaves and grass but when the sun rays fall on them, the dewdrops shine like pearls. It is so cold in the morning in the winter season that the domestic animals don’t come out. Even the chirping of the birds can’t be heard. Read more paragraph a winter morning
