
Thursday, November 5, 2020

Causes of Road Accidents in Bangladesh Paragraph | Composition | SSC | HSC | Class-6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12

On the last vacation I was going to Rajshahi by bus. Unfortunately, my bus met an accident but luckily there was no casualty of death. We all know that the number of road accidents is increasing in an alarming rate. Every day we have to know the news of road accidents. Road accident brings sufferings and sorrows for the people. 
Though the more or less street accidents are occurred almost every country of the world, the position of Bangladesh is second amongst all the countries. The statistics has shown that 40% road accident in Bangladesh is occurred in highway, 27% in city areas’ road and 33% in village area’s road. Another research run by Nirapad Sarak Chai has shown that the yearly average number of road accidents and deaths is 4000 and 5000 in Bangladesh respectively. A recent research has found that the most common reasons for road accident in Bangladesh are unplanned road design, the increasing number of people and vehicles, using road as temporary market, driving vehicles violating rules, the unconsciousness of the drivers and passersby, weakness of act, slackness of playing rules of the traffic police etc. Different kinds of vehicles of different speed like rickshaws, buses, trucks, private cars, motorcycle etc. are run on the same road that also causes road accidents. However, continued awareness campaign on media, incorporation the issue of road safety in text books, training drivers, building separate roads along highways for slow-moving vehicles, keeping the footpaths useable and correcting the faults in road designs can minimize road accidents largely in Bangladesh.

➤ Street/Road Accident Paragraph-100% easy!

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বই দুটি তোমার কল্পনার চেয়েও সুন্দর কি না তা কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখলেই আশা করি বুঝতে পারবে! আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপেও তোমরা যোগ দিতে পারো: Collegiate Publications

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