
Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Global Climate Change and Bangladesh Composition

The average temperature of the earth is slowly rising. This is called global warming. The world's climate is changing due to global warming. As a result, various natural disasters are occurring. Nature is losing its eternal form. Which is the biggest challenge for the world right now. And Bangladesh is at the top of the list of highest risk due to environmental disasters.

There are several reasons for global warming. The greenhouse effect is the main cause of global warming. The sun's radiation and various gases are trapped in the earth due to environmental pollution. As a result, the average temperature of the earth gradually increases. This is called the greenhouse effect.

The ozone layer is being depleted due to environmental pollution and deforestation. CFC gas used in industry is also depleting the ozone layer. Household wastes, industrial wastes, factory and vehicle fumes are increasing carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. And the world is getting hot. As a result, the world is facing natural disasters.

The detrimental effects of climate change are indescribable. The adverse effects of climate change are drought, lowland flooding, loss of biodiversity, loss of river flow, increase in salinity of water, floods, river erosion, sea storms, tidal surges, loss of agricultural production etc.

Global warming is melting the polar ice caps. As a result, the sea level is rising. Many countries in the world will be submerged in the sea. It will cause terrible environmental disasters.

Climate change has a devastating effect on Bangladesh. Bangladesh is one of the lowest countries in the world. It is estimated that by 2050, 20 percent of Bangladesh will be submerged. About 55 million people will be affected.

We have something to do to prevent a climate crisis. CFC gas is responsible for increasing the warming of nature. So we need to reduce the use of CFC gas. In addition, proper waste management, afforestation programs, biodiversity conservation, planned urbanization and industrialization are essential to prevent climate crisis.

In the long run, global action is urgent to tackle the climate change. Otherwise, many countries of the world including Bangladesh will be severely affected. The whole world will be in grave danger. Which will never be happy for future generations. So, now is the right time for everyone to be aware.

সব কিছু পাবে আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপে। নিচের লিংকে ক্লিক করে জয়েন করতে পারো:

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প্রিয় SSC ও HSC পরীক্ষার্থী বৃন্দ,  এই ব্লগের লেখা যদি তোমার ভালো লেগে থাকে, তাহলে জেনে রাখো-আমাদের প্রকাশিত বইয়ের লেখা এর চেয়েও আরো বেশি সহজ, সাবলীল, গোছানো, বোধগম্য ও গবেষণাধর্মী। প্রতিটি Content বাংলা অনুবাদসহ। SSC ও HSC-র Grammar অংশে যারা 60 এ 60-ই নিশ্চিত করতে চাও এবং English 1st & 2nd Part এর Writing অংশে যারা পূর্ণ নম্বর পেতে চাও, তোমাদের জন্য আমরা প্রকাশ করেছি দুটি গবেষণামূলক বই। হাজার হাজার শিক্ষার্থীর জীবন বদলে দেয়া আমাদের প্রকাশিত এ বই দুটির কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখতে চাইলে তোমরা রকমারি ডট কম থেকে “একটু পড়ে দেখুন” অংশ থেকে কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখতে পারো: ⍟ Collegiate Basic English Grammar (৬ষ্ঠ-৯ম, SSC, HSC & BCS) ⍟ Collegiate An Essential Book of Paragraph, Composition, Letter & Application (৬ষ্ঠ-৯ম, SSC & HSC). রকমারিতে অর্ডার করতে কল করো 16297 নাম্বারে।

বই দুটি তোমার কল্পনার চেয়েও সুন্দর কি না তা কিছু অংশ পড়ে দেখলেই আশা করি বুঝতে পারবে! আমাদের ফেসবুক গ্রুপেও তোমরা যোগ দিতে পারো: Collegiate Publications


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