
Saturday, September 26, 2020

Quarrel Brings Losses | Completing Story | Very Easy!

Read the beginning of a story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story: — [Sylhet Board-2019]

Lina is a student of class ten. One day in the afternoon she was gossiping with her friend beside a pond near her house. While gossiping she noticed that two small boys were quarrelling over trifling matter. She did not take it seriously thinking that their quarrel would come to an end soon. But——


Quarrel Brings Losses 

——they continued their quarrel. The reason of their dispute was a tennis ball. Abruptly, one boy threw the ball in the middle of the pond. The other boy became furious about it. He hit the boy on the nose. Suddenly, the bleeding started. Lina tried to stop their fight. The condition of the injured boy was getting worse. On the otherhand, the other boy jumped into the pond to get back his tennis ball. The pond was deeper than he expected. Since he could not swim in deep water, he was drowned. Lina became perplexed. She picked up the boy from the pond with the help of people. Both boys became senseless. Rimi took them to a nearby hospital. She realized that quarreling brings losses.

Most important topics for you:

ᐈ  Paragraph

ᐈ  Completing Story  

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