
Monday, October 12, 2020

Results of Foolishness | Completing Story | Very Easy!

Read the beginning of a story. Add at least ten new sentences to complete the story. Give a suitable title to it: — [SSC All Board Questions-2018] 

Sufia is a worker in a big garments factory. More than five thousand workers work in that factory. One day while she was busy in work a sound was heard, "Fire! Fire! Help! Help!" ———. 


Results of Foolishness/Penalty for Stupidity 

——The news spread throughout the factory within moments. The workers started running here and there. They started shouting. They behaved like crazy. There was a single gate of the factory. All were trying to come out at a time. So there was a heavy rush at the gate. Many were crushed underfoot in the rush. Many jumped over the roof. As a result, many died on the spot. Everyone shouted but no one searched for the source of the fire. In the end, it was seen that there was no fire in the factory. Actually, rumors of a fire were spread among the workers. Many lives were lost due to the stupidity of the workers. So, one should not believe something without knowing well.

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